Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is running to unseat Florida Republican Senator Rick Scott. She previously represented Florida’s 26th Congressional District – JStreetPAC endorsed her successful 2018 campaign to defeat the Republican incumbent at the time.
Mucarsel-Powell came to the U.S. from Ecuador as a child and has spent her career working for nonprofit organizations such as the Hope Center, Zoo Miami Foundation, and the Coral Restoration Foundation. She has worked with Florida International University to expand access to healthcare for Floridians, where she established the Green Family Foundation NeighborhoodHELP program.
Debbie Mucasel-Powell was a strong ally for J Street when she served in Congress. She signed the 2019 letter led by Congressman David Price reaffirming that it is in the United States' interest to continue promoting the security, stability, and humanitarian well-being of the Palestinians by resuming the provision of foreign assistance. She also signed the Schakowsky-Deutch-Price-Schneider letter opposing unilateral annexation of the West Bank.