J Street’s DC Metro Chapter is excited to invite JStreetPAC members and friends to the first in a series of events in support of pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy champions in our own backyard.
Our kickoff event will be in support of two standout women from Virginia: Abigail Spanberger (VA-07) and Jennifer Wexton (VA-10). Early support is deeply appreciated as campaigns work to engage with voters and fend off potential primary challengers — early investments stretch our contributions further. Don’t miss out on your chance to join us for this special event!
Suggested Giving Levels
Sponsor: $5,000 | Host: $2,500 | Supporter: $1,000 | Friend: $500 | Guest: $100
Can’t attend? You can still donate via the RSVP button.
Questions? Email Arielle Hollies at [email protected].
Note: Contributions to the Hometown Hero Series will be split evenly between the candidates. If you would like to designate a custom split, please reach out to our PAC team at [email protected] immediately after purchasing your tickets.