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Derek Tran

  • Endorsed
  • 45th District , california

Derek Tran represents California's 45th District, a seat he has held since his election in 2024.

When he was 18, he enlisted in the Army and took away lessons of working together with people of all political affiliations. After his time in the military, Tran went to law school and upon graduating opened a small business in Orange County to fight for immigrants, workers, survivors of sexual harassment, and consumers. He has committed to bringing all of his experience to Congress to fight for better infrastructure, reduced costs of prescription drugs, women's right to choose, and expanded healthcare coverage. 

Derek Tran has committed “do everything in [his] power to support and promote pluralistic, non-discriminatory liberal democracy and the rule of law in both the United States and Israel.” He supports continued military aid to Israel alongside meaningful humanitarian aid to Palestinians. He also supports “a directly negotiated two-state solution that provides for Israel’s security and safety” and opposes unilateral actions that make peace further to achieve.

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