Congresswoman Hillary Scholten represents Michigan's 3rd Congressional District, including Grand Rapids and Muskegon. She won her battleground district over John Gibbs, a far-right state senator and provocateur who had argued extensively against women’s suffrage and the 19th amendment.
An accomplished local attorney, Scholten centered her campaign around kitchen table issues, such as lowering the cost of health care, protecting a woman’s right to choose, and building an economy that works for everyone.
Scholten is closely aligned with J Street. She supports full security aid to Israelis and humanitarian and development assistance to Palestinians. Scholten supports a two-state solution and has pledged to push back against all unilateral acts which work against that vision, including incitement, terror attacks and violations of international law such as demolitions, settlement expansion or annexation. Scholten supports engaging in diplomacy with Iran in order to to verifiably block the country's path to a nuclear weapon.